32 flavors & then some: my fantastic friends

Now that I am vaccinated, I look forward to resuming double dates with gusto! Here are some suggestions of who might be able to join us. Know that each provider likely has their own comfort level regarding duos during a pandemic, as well as their own scheduling limitations, so advance planning is crucial. Rates for duos are generally her rate + mine, unless otherwise advertised. All of the folks linked here are lovely, real people who I am honored to call friends!*

jamie madison

josie jones

maeve midnight

sasha sunshine

hannah loe

kora quinn


* not to be construed as endorsement, promotion, profiteering, racketeering, musketeering, Mouseketeering, or indication that our independent business practices are in any way linked. I just like introducing people to my hot friends so GET OFF MY JOCK OKAY sheesh.